Fourth Grade Newsletter: November 2023
Fourth Grade November Newsletter:
Happy November, 4th Grade Families! As the leaves start to fall, the signs are evident that the autumn season is signaling coming changes. As we step into this new month, it is important to remember that we have so much to be thankful for at Forestdale! We are thankful for your continued partnership as it plays a key role in the success of your child’s education. It has been a great first quarter and we can’t wait to continue seeing your child grow!
Important Dates & Reminders
- November 3rd: End of 1st Quarter, Early Release
- November 6th: No School for Students
- November 7th: No School for Students
- November 22-24th: Thanksgiving Break, No School
Language Arts
What are we learning?
Reading: Unit 3 - Poetry
- Students are learning to…
- Respond to poetry through performance, art, and writing in order to express their thoughts about a poem.
- Uncover the deeper meanings and discuss how the poet chose to reveal them.
Writing: Unit 3 - Poetry
- Students are learning to…
- Recognize that how they use the tools of poetry (to express feelings, images, experiences) affect the meaning of their poem.
Home/School Connection
Questions to ask your student:
- “What is this poem really about?”
- “What is the poem trying to teach you?”
- “What is the poet really trying to say?”
- “Why did the poet write this poem?”
Books We’ve Been Reading 

- Hoot by Carl Hiaasen (Ms. Shartel and Ms. Crane’s classes)
- The Undefeated by Kwame Alexander
- Love That Dog by Sharon Creech
What are we learning?
Unit 3: Fractions
- Students will be able to…
- Compare and order fractions and mixed numbers, with and without models.
- Represent equivalent fractions.
- Identify the division statement that represents a fraction, with models and in context.
- Determine common multiples and factors, including least common multiple and greatest common factor.
Home/School Connection
Things to do with your student:
- If your child has access to a computer, have them practice fact fluency on Reflex math and practice fraction skills on ST Math.
- Practice using fractions through cooking or baking.
Questions to ask your student:
- Where do you see fractions in your daily life?
- How do the size of pieces change as the denominator increases?

What are we learning?
Virginia Ecosystems
- Students will be learning to investigate and understand that…
- Plants and animals have unique structures that help them to survive.
- Organisms, including humans, interact with one another and with the nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
- Virginia has important natural resources.
Home/School Connection
Questions to ask your student:
- How does the geography (land and water) in Virginia affect its natural resources?
- Why are plants important? How do they help humans and animals?
- How do plants get their energy?
Social Studies
What are we learning?
- Students will…
- Evaluate the reasons for English colonization by exploring the perspectives and experiences of multiple culture groups.
- Evaluate the reasons the Jamestown site was chosen and the challenges and changes that took place to ensure survival as a result.
- Identify the roles of culture and power in the changing relationship between the Powhatan and English settlers.
- Analyze the importance of the events of 1619: arrival of Africans, arrival of English women (1620), and the first meeting of the General Assembly.
Home/School Connection
Questions to ask your student:
- How do economic motives shape the choices people make?
- How does culture impact the relationships people have with land?
- How do people depend on other people and their environment for survival?
- How do people’s values shape the design of their governments?
- How can inequality lead to conflict?
What are we learning? & Home/School Connections:
- Library: 4th graders will explore different styles of poetry and begin an inquiry unit, pursuing questions of interest to them and researching answers with multiple sources.
- PE:
- The first quarter is almost to a close! Thank you to all families for being strong co-teachers with us.
- Students in grades 3rd-6th have begun using their PE binders; increasing their literacy skill practice during physical education classes!
- Regarding pacing, we have completed our “Rules/Routines” and “Throwing/Catching” units with all grade levels. Now, all students will move into their “Fitness Unit.” Learners will better understand how their bodies work, the components of fitness, and different ways to track activity/stay active. As always, Mr. Bergin ([email protected]) and Ms. Brod ([email protected]) are here for any questions or concerns.
- Music:
- -Ms. Shaw’s 4th graders: Finished up Au Claire de Lune on the recorder, now working on Kagome.
- Mr. Sawasky: All grades will be celebrating Native American Heritage Month in November by exploring some of our history as a nation and its original people and culture.
- Grades 3-6 will be exploring how rhythms and melody come together to create a song as we practice in small groups and as a class, playing instruments in an ensemble.
- Art:
- In the Forestdale art program, the primary goal is to create an environment in which every student feels confident, safe, and supported by Ms. Barrett and by the other students. The goal is that each student will reach a level of technical mastery and self-confidence that allows them to take risks with their own artwork and create work that they value.
- In November all students will be wrapping up their PAINTING units and doing planning drawings for the upcoming COLLAGE units!
- 4th graders created paintings of “An Important Moment in Time.” They learned about figure perspective, action poses, color mixing, cool and warm colors and overlapping.
- All students’ paintings are delightful. They would look great in a frame, hanging on the wall – or at least on the refrigerator!
- Thank you to all families for returning the Parent Interview Forms for each Art unit! Students in grades 1st - 6th continue to use their Art Planning and Reflection Books, increasing their literacy skill practice during art classes!
- As always, Ms. Barrett ([email protected]) is here for any questions or concerns regarding the art program.
- In Quarter 1, 4th grade STEAM students identified ways to conserve natural resources around Forestdale.
- In Quarter 2, students will plan and carry out the conservation project idea they’ve chosen. Ideas range from composting food scraps to improve Forestdale’s soil quality to building shelters, feeders, and planting native plants to support the plant and animal resources in our Forestdale ecosystem.
AAP Corner
What are we learning?
- Fourth Graders are engaging in academic conversations through Jacob’s Ladders. Jacob’s Ladder is a reading comprehension strategy that scaffolds the inquiry process and promotes critical thought of a text.
- AAP students have begun book clubs reading either Save Me A Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarejan, or Fourth Grade Rats by Jerry Spinelli.
- AAP Students will begin word study during Falcon Time through Michael Clay Thompson’s Grammar Town to develop an understanding of the parts of speech and sentence structure.
Home/School Connection
Questions to ask your student:
- How might my learning community change over time?
- How do personal experiences, relationships, and beliefs inspire people to make changes in their community?
- How does change connect to me, the world and what I am learning?
- How do changes in one part of an ecosystem affect change in other parts of the ecosystem?
- How have living organisms changed over time to develop mechanisms to enable them to survive harsh and changing environments?
ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages
During the month of November, we are highlighting the language of inquiring. Here are some questions you can ask your students to help them practice how to inquire.
- What are you wondering about?
- What questions do you have about that?
- I wonder why __________?
- Who __________?
- What __________?
- When __________?
- Where __________?
- Why __________?
- How __________?
Looking for books to read at home with your students? Unite for Literacy has free audio books with many language options to choose from! You can access them at