Second Grade Newsletter: February 2024

By Second Grade Team
Second Grade
February 09, 2024

Super 2nd Graders

Important Dates & Reminders

  • Please make sure you send your child with a coat on cold days.  Recess will continue to be outside unless we are notified of a wind advisory.
  • Check backpacks regularly for important information.

Language Arts

What are we learning?

  • The letter r influences how vowels are pronounced, often making it difficult to distinguish the sound of the vowel from the sound of the r. For example, it is easier to distinguish the vowel sound in the word pain than in the word pair; this is because the r influences, or controls, the sound of the vowel pair, ai, in the word pair. In this unit students build on what they learned about r-controlled short vowels in first grade to explore r-controlled long vowels. Some common r-controlled long vowel words that students will learn include score, roar, stair, stare, wear, hear, and cheer. 
  • Students will begin their unit on interpreting stories. In this unit, students discuss and explore stories in new ways. Students will expand their thinking to ask, “What might this book really be about? What might this author want us to think about? How could I summarize this story for someone?” Through carefully selected and engaging read alouds, students zoom in on text structure and uncover the big ideas of the text, as well as learn how to ask what the important ideas are that could be shared when talking about a text. Students begin to summarize using sequencing words.


What are we learning?

  • Students will name and write fractions represented by a set, region, or length model for halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths.
  • Students will represent fractional parts with models and with symbols.
  • Students will compare the unit fractions for halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths, with models.


What are we learning?

  • This unit focuses on matter & forces. Throughout the unit students develop a better understanding of matter and the forces that can cause motion.
  • They will use hands-on investigations and relate these complex concepts to everyday experiences. 
  • students will learn to inquire, observe, relate cause-and-effect  relationships, collect and record information, and investigate problems related to matter, force, and motion.

Social Studies

What are we learning?

  • Students will compare the ideas and contributions of explorers (Christopher Columbus and Christopher Newport) and the impact on our world today.


  • Library: We are building our vocabulary and STEAM skills through interactive read-alouds of picture books and connected STEAM challenges, focusing on the scientific method of questioning, forming a hypothesis, experimenting, and drawing conclusions. Contact Ms. Wixtrom on Talking Points or email with any questions or anything you’d like me to know! I want to help your child thrive in their reading journey!
  • PE: Thank you to all families for being strong co-teachers with us. Regarding pacing, we completed our “Gymnastics Unit” and “Routines Review” with all grade levels. Now, all students will move into their “Basketball Unit.” Learners will better understand the anatomy of a basketball court, and how to dribble with hands, bounce pass, chest pass, and shoot the basketball. Towards the end of the unit, we hope to teach different “playground games” such as “H.O.R.S.E.” and “Knock-Out.” As always, Mr. Bergin ([email protected]) and Ms. Brod ([email protected]) are here for any questions or concerns.
  • Music: 
    • Ms. Shaw’s 2nd graders are working on dynamics (loud and quiet) and continuing ensemble work with xylophones and non-pitched instruments.
    • In Mr. Sawasky’s music class, All grades are learning a frame drumming composition called, “Jennifer Bobby Bobby.” We are also learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and the song, “Hymn to Freedom” by Oscar Peterson. K – 2nd grade will be exploring rhythms through frame drumming and melody with xylophones.
  • Art: 
    • In the Forestdale art program, the primary goal is to create an environment in which every student feels confident, safe, and supported by Ms. Barrett and by the other students. The goal is that each student will reach a level of technical mastery and self-confidence that allows them to take risks with their own artwork and create work they value.
    • In January, all students will be wrapping up their COLLAGE units and doing planning drawings for the upcoming CLAY units! 
    • All students’ collages are fantastic! They would look great in a frame, hanging on the wall – or at least on the refrigerator!
    • Thank you to all families for returning the Interview Forms for each Art unit! Students in grades 1st - 6th continue to use their Art Planning and Reflection Books, increasing their literacy skill practice during art classes!
    • As always, Ms. Barrett ([email protected]) is here for any questions or concerns regarding the art program.
    • 2nd graders are creating cut paper collages of butterfly molas. They have been inspired by cloth Molas that are sewn by the Cuna Indians of the San Blas islands near Panama. Students were able to hold and look at many examples of real Molas to see the tiny stitches up close.


  • CCT: Students are encapsulating big ideas. We are reading the book, “This Plus That”. Then students are writing equations for different words. For example, “books + room = library”. Ask them to create equations at home. 



WIDA assessment information:  The state of Virginia administers the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs assessment from January 16-March 15. This assessment monitors students' progress in learning academic English in the areas of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Families can find translated information about this assessment at this link: 

Please encourage your child to do their best! Please also be sure your child is well-rested for test days (and every school day)!

Students in grades 1-6 can continue practice at home for the assessment through this link: