Sixth Grade Newsletter: May 2024
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Mr. Slusser / Ms. Dsylva / Ms. Abdulhadi
Welcome to -
Make this month count
Accomplish your goals!
You can do this!
Important Dates & Reminders 
- May 3rd - No School for students
- May 6th - Field Trip to Williamsburg
- May 9th - Math SOL
- May 15th - Reading SOL
- May 27th - Memorial Day (no school)
Language Arts 
What are we learning?
- Reading Unit:
Independent Book Clubs
- Readers establish their own club routines and habits and set goals for their club.
- Readers identify their personal reading habits and seek out those with similar interests.
Readers use discussion to understand the perspectives of the group. They allow their thinking to be complicated by the ideas of others.
- Writing Unit:
Independent Writing Projects
- Writers use self-selected mentor texts to support revision and editing.
- Writers decide what they need to develop as writers and take steps to accomplish short and long-term goals.
- Writers seek out support from and contribute support to fellow writers.
Home/School Connection
- SOL Review - Reviewing the entire year to prepare for SOL.
Books we will be reading:
As Brave As You by Jason Reynolds
90 Miles to Havana by Enrique Flores-Galbis
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz-Ryan
Efren Divided by Ernest Cisneros Gregor
the Overlander by Suzanne Collins
City of Ember and Voyagers by Jeanne DuPrau
Brian books by Gary Paulsen
Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling
What are we learning?
Data Distribution 
- As mathematicians we will:
- Represent data in a circle graph.
- Make observations and inferences about data represented in a circle graph.
- Compare circle graphs with the same data represented in bar graphs, pictographs, and line plots.
- Represent the mean of a data set graphically as the balance point.
- Determine the effect on the measure of center when a single value of a data set is added, removed, or changed.
Advanced Math- Quadrilaterals and Triangle Congruence
- Perimeter & Area
- Surface Area
- Mean, Median and Mode
- SOL Review - Reviewing the entire year to prepare for SOL.
Home/School Connection:
Take a look at some common questions we hear in daily life.
Use this link to discuss topics related to Data Distribution, Area and Perimeter.
What are we learning?
- The sun is important in the formation of most energy sources on Earth
- Energy is continuously transferred from one place to another and transformed among various forms
- Renewable resources should be managed so that they produce continuously
- Fossil fuels are the major sources of energy in developed and industrialized nations and should be managed to minimize adverse impacts
- Preventing pollutants from entering the air and water can protect the health of living things
- Secondary sources of energy, such as electricity, are used to store, move, and deliver energy easily in usable form
Home/School Connection
Questions to ask your student:
- How can we protect, maintain, and manage energy resources and the environment?
- How can environmental policies affect the health and safety of living things?
- Play IXL with your child online.
Social Studies
What are we learning?
Civil War
- How can individuals stop injustice in society?
- How can the President of the United States change the course of history?
- Why might people risk their lives for a cause?
- What effects did the conflicts between the North and South have on the people in those regions?
- How does the conflict of the Civil War continue to have lasting effects today?
- What can we learn about our past by exploring diverse perspectives?
Home/School Connection
Questions to ask your student:
- What were the northern states called?
- What were the southern states called?
What are we learning? & Home/School Connections:
- Library:
- 6th grade students will be searching for websites that connect a part of their identity to a period of history, evaluating the websites, and citing their sources.
- PE:
- Families,
The final quarter in PE includes learning units called “Fitness and Nutrition” and “Outdoor Pursuits & Recreational Activities.” We will also conduct a biking unit for students in grades 3-6. Athletes will participate in many relays soon (to prepare for Field Day), as well as stations (to keep their various skills practiced). - Forestdale students are invited to Lewis HS this Friday, 4/26 for FREE admission to the boys’ soccer game! Students can get a FREE shirt, too. Please see Talking Points for more information.
- Family volunteers will eventually be contacted for Field Day. Adults will find that information in Thursday folders and Talking Points when the time comes.
- Families,
Thank you and talk soon!
Ms. Brod (@email)
Mr. Bergin (@email)
- Music:
- Ms. Shaw’s 6th graders are finishing up the school year writing their own parody to Pure Imagination and producing a music video of their parody!
- Mr. Sawasky’s class:
- All students will know how to create their own rhythms and work on creating melodies.
- We will practice singing our national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” All students will express themselves through playing xylophones, frame drums and percussion instruments.
- 5th and 6th will also be adding to their theory knowledge by composing their own melodies. We will start learning about the blues and musical form.
- 6th Graders will begin learning about renewable energy and will plan out and build wind turbines.
- Art:
- The BIG ART news is the Pyramid Art Exhibit that was held at Key Middle school! 46 Forestdale students were represented in this huge annual event that included Lewis High School, Key Middle School and eight elementary schools, including Forestdale Elementary! The artwork from Forestdale was admired by hundreds of people, and the event was attended by over 50 Forestdale students and their families! Thanks to Ms. Judy Kelleher, Ms. Kenan Brod, Ms. Stacy Booth, and Ms. Annie Ormsby for their help in putting up this exhibit.
- In the Forestdale art program, the primary goal is to create an environment in which every student feels confident, safe, and supported by Ms. Barrett and by the other students. The goal is that each student will reach a level of technical mastery and self-confidence that allows them to take risks with their own artwork and create work that they value. In May, all students will be finishing clay art projects!
- 6th graders will create clay plates that have their names and other surface textures embossed in the clay.
- All clay projects will last at least a hundred years if cared for carefully.
- All students’ ceramic pieces are delightful.
- 6th graders are also starting their stitchery unit in art!
- Thank you to all families for returning the Parent Interview Forms for each art unit! Students in grades 1st - 6th continue to use their Art Planning and Reflection Books, increasing their literacy skill practice during art classes!
- As always, Ms. Barrett ([email protected]) is here for any questions or concerns regarding the art program.
ESOL- English for Speakers of Other Languages
During the month of May, we are highlighting the language of cause and effect. Here are some questions you can ask your students and sentences you can use to help them practice identifying cause and effect relationships.
- What happened?
- What caused it to happen?
- Why do you think that happened?
- If __________, then __________.
- The effect of __________ is __________.
- One reason that __________ happened is __________.