Fourth Grade Newsletter: May 2024
Fourth Grade May Newsletter:
Important Dates & Reminders
- May 3rd: No School
- May 7th: Math SOL
- May 14th: Reading SOL
- May 27th: Memorial Day, No School
Language Arts
What are we learning?
Reading and Writing: Independent Writing Projects
- Students are learning that…
- Writers use self-selected mentor texts to support revision and editing.
- Writers decide what they need to develop as writers and take steps to accomplish short and long-term goals.
- Writers seek out support from and contribute support to fellow writers.
Books We’ve Been Reading
- Front Desk by Kelley Yang
What are we learning?
Unit 6: Measurement
- Students will be able to…
- Solve practical problems that involve determining perimeter and area.
- Estimate and measure length and describe the result in the U.S. Customary and metric units.
- Estimate and measure weight/mass and describe the result in the U.S. Customary and metric units.
- Given the equivalent measure of one unit, identify equivalent measures of length, weight/mass, and liquid volume between units within the U.S. Customary system.
- Solve practical problems that involve length, weight/mass, and liquid volume in the U.S. Customary units.
- Solve practical problems related to elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 12-hour period.
Home/School Connection
Things to do with your student:
- If your child has access to a computer, have them practice fact fluency on Reflex math and practice on ST Math.
What are we learning?
Solar System
- Students will understand…
- Earth and space science (solar system) vocabulary.
- The organization of the solar system.
- That scientific ideas are durable, yet subject to change.
- Characteristics of the Earth-moon-sun system.
- How scale models can be used to study the solar system.
- The cause of changing moon phases and seasons on Earth.
Social Studies
What are we learning?
Reconstruction and Segregation
- Students will…
- Explore the impact of Reconstruction on life in Virginia, focusing on the expanded rights of African Americans and the impact on Virginia's government.
- Construct an understanding of the effects of segregation and "Jim Crow" on life in Virginia for American Indians, whites, and African Americans, analyzing the enduring legacy of racial discrimination on life in Virginia today.
- Examine Virginia's economic development and the importance of railroads, new industries, and the growth of cities.
AAP Corner 
What are we learning?
- Students are continuing to meet in book clubs.
- AAP students are completing a Jacob’s Ladder to understand different perspectives on school uniforms.
What are we learning? & Home/School Connections:
- Library:
- 4th grade students are learning about spies during the Civil War and their lesser-known but vital roles in turning the tide of the war. They will decipher codes using a Civil-War-era cipher and research a spy of their choice.
- PE:
- Families,
The final quarter in PE includes learning units called “Fitness and Nutrition” and “Outdoor Pursuits & Recreational Activities.” We will also conduct a biking unit for students in grades 3-6. Athletes will participate in many relays soon (to prepare for Field Day), as well as stations (to keep their various skills practiced). - Forestdale students are invited to Lewis HS this Friday, 4/26 for FREE admission to the boys’ soccer game! Students can get a FREE shirt, too. Please see Talking Points for more information.
- Family volunteers will eventually be contacted for Field Day. Adults will find that information in Thursday folders and Talking Points when the time comes.
- Families,
Thank you and talk soon!
Ms. Brod (@email)
Mr. Bergin (@email)
- Music:
- Shaw -
- Ms. Shaw’s 3rd, 4th & 5th graders are using music centers to explore composing their own music rhythmically and melodically, and learning more notes and new songs on the recorder.
- Sawasky -
- All students will know how to create their own rhythms and work on creating melodies.
- We will practice singing our national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” All students will express themselves through playing xylophones, frame drums and percussion instruments.
- 3rd and 4th will be learning how to create a melody and continuing with rhythm practice.
- Shaw -
- 4th grade is learning about the Earth, moon, and sun, and the causes of day and night and seasons.
- Art:
- The BIG ART news is the Pyramid Art Exhibit that was held at Key Middle school! 46 Forestdale students were represented in this huge annual event that included Lewis High School, Key Middle School and eight elementary schools, including Forestdale Elementary! The artwork from Forestdale was admired by hundreds of people, and the event was attended by over 50 Forestdale students and their families! Thanks to Ms. Judy Kelleher, Ms. Kenan Brod, Ms. Stacy Booth, and Ms. Annie Ormsby for their help in putting up this exhibit.
- In the Forestdale art program, the primary goal is to create an environment in which every student feels confident, safe, and supported by Ms. Barrett and by the other students. The goal is that each student will reach a level of technical mastery and self-confidence that allows them to take risks with their own artwork and create work that they value. In May, all students will be finishing clay art projects!
- 4th graders will create clay islands. This is in conjunction with their island maps that they made during the printmaking unit in the fall.
- All clay projects will last at least a hundred years if cared for carefully.
- All students’ ceramic pieces are delightful.
- Thank you to all families for returning the Parent Interview Forms for each art unit! Students in grades 1st - 6th continue to use their Art Planning and Reflection Books, increasing their literacy skill practice during art classes!
- As always, Ms. Barrett ([email protected]) is here for any questions or concerns regarding the art program
ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages During the month of May, we are highlighting the language of cause and effect. Here are some questions you can ask your students and sentences you can use to help them practice identifying cause and effect relationships.
- What happened?
- What caused it to happen?
- Why do you think that happened?
- If __________, then __________.
- The effect of __________ is __________.
- One reason that __________ happened is __________.